February 2011
Jevne-Following The System (incl. Da Funk Remix) Review (Klubber)
26/02/11 09:45 Archived in:Reviews

Mineapolis vio nacer a este productor norteamericano llamado Jevne.
De entrega house atolondrado diria yo, se puede catalogar este tema original que nos presenta en esta serie regular que saca al mercado el próximo més de Marzo, y que sobre todo suena a house descontrolado con vocales y que busca la pista con poco orden y sobrecargando los sonidos en todos sus rangos. Problema al que se le une el track original del mismo productor que cierra el ep.
Asunto aparte es el remix del suizo Da Funk, que transformando por completo el tema y respetando alguna de las frecuencias como el vocal femenino alcanza a conectar con un house de tintes progresivos y atmosféricos que suena creible y contundente.
Una producción que mejora exponencialmente al original y se puede decir que salva el ep sin duda alguna. Sonido grueso y envolvente que se apodera del escuchante con una producción y sintesis muy interesante.
El remix de Pete Dafeet (Lost my Dog), se queda a medio camino entre ambos, dejando una sensación de deslabazamiento en su producción que no consigue mejorar con una métrica correcta y un sonido eficiente.

Craig Stewart-Make Me E.P. (incl. Da Funk Remix)@Ibiza Voice
17/02/11 09:40 Archived in:News

Craig Stewart's Make Me E.P. (incl. remixes by Office Gossip, Da Funk & Alex V) has been featured on Ibiza-Voice's weekly highlights!
Jevne-Following The System (incl. Da Funk Remix) out now!
15/02/11 19:06 Archived in:Releases

Jevne Blue Label Series #1 : Following The System
Eighth Dimension Records (8TH033D)
1) Following The System
2) Following The System (Da Funk's Punto Rojo Remix)
3) Following The System (Pete Dafeet Remix)
4) Velvet Eyes
Eighth Dimension Records has launched its Blue Label Series, a continuing set of releases curated by Q-Burns Abstract Message focusing on eclectic, deeper dance floor sounds. There's no better way to start this party than with our bass guitar- slinging DJ friend from Minneapolis, Jevne. Arising out of the rave days of the early nineties to founding his quality-consistent Onethirty Recordings label Jevne has been a longtime active player on the American dance music scene.
His previous appearance on Eighth Dimension was a superb remix of Beaters & Bowls' "The Stranger" and Jevne's also contributed to the catalogs of Chillin Music, Connected Musik, Conya, among others. In between constantly traveling the world as a DJ (often accompanying himself on the aforementioned bass guitar) and running his increasingly popular label Jevne found the time to record and deliver a pair of house music firecrackers for Eighth Dimension.
Leading the charge is the club-ready monster known as "Following The System." There's a powerful groove here transported above the norm by funky staccato chords, melodic pads, and an echoed vocal hit serving as a call to action. It's a peak time track for the underground set, filling the floor with energy without getting too 'big room' on everyone.
A track like "Following The System" demands the remix treatment so Jevne and Eighth Dimension enlisted a couple of skilled mutual friends who were ready for the task at hand. Switzerland's Da Funk, the prolific producer behind the Acryl Music label and a slew of remixes for the likes of Plastic City and Deepology Digital, is first on deck with a freewheeling after-hours excursion.
Da Funk's Punto Rojo Remix is a hefty builder, anchored by insistent rhythms and pulsating pads, eventually climaxing in a stew of 303 bubbles and filtered swirls. The echoed vocal hit floats above the thick construction as if leading the way forward. This booming builder's ready to test sound systems worldwide.
A building mix of "Following The System" of a different sort comes courtesy of Lost My Dog head honcho Pete Dafeet. Pete's had quite the year with his label reaching its fifth year, marked by a highly rated CD compilation mixed by the man himself.
Here Pete Dafeet's remix rides on an almost Detroit-ish foundation of drum machine and bass line, hypnotically pulling the listener in as elements from Jevne's original spaciously enter the sound-space. Warm, sustained pads rest underneath the signature vocal hit which is manipulated through additional echo and reverb treatments. A prime time basement jam, ready to be tightly mixed into a DJ's set.
Jevne closes out this single with the 'b-side' bonus of "Velvet Eyes." Here's Jevne on a percussive breakbeat tip, experimenting a bit on top of a four-on-floor footing. Wild sounds and synth bits circle around the mix as we get a bit of Jevne's trademark live bass guitar holding down the bottom end. This is a sweet addition to the arsenal of a house DJ looking for something far fromtraditional, and a fantastic way to close out the first edition of the Blue Label Series. Be on the lookout for more volumes in the series coming right at you from your pals at Eighth Dimension.
Supported by:
Slam, Pete Moss, Nacho Marco, Stacey Pullen, Brothers Vibe, Nic Fanciulli,
Luke McKeehan and many more!

Out now!

Boys 'R' Us-Alright (Wackside's Tweaker Mix) (Da Funk's Cut & Paste Edit)
12/02/11 10:12 Archived in:Releases
Here's an edit i've made from an alltime favourite filter disco house track from 1999.
Had to take it down from 129 to 124 bpm because that was waaaaaay too fast (but not an unusual tempo back then).
Other edits i've done here is basically cut and paste and a bit of additional filtering and fx here and there.