December 2011
Schweisstreibende Nächte im Club und sonnendurchflutete Morgenstunden...
26/12/11 16:22 Archived in:News

Schweisstreibende Nächte im Club und sonnendurchflutete Morgenstunden...
„Musik = Die gemeinsame Sprache der Menschheit“, sagte eins der amerikanische Dichter Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Es gibt weitere Zitate die versuchen Musik zu erklären. Und sie alle treffen sicher zu. Musik verstehen kann man aber nur indem man sie hört. Musik wird erschaffen um gehört zu werden. Und deshalb muss ich hier schreiben: „Happy Anniversary, Acryl Music!“
Nach dem Start im Jahr 2004 steht mit ‘Need For Faith’ von Labelgründer Da Funk die 50. Veröffentlichung in den Startlöchern. Mit dabei im saftigen Release-Paket: Remixe von Si Brad, Pete Moss, Elmar Schubert und Q-Burns Abstract Message.
Wow, was für ein Release! Ein Stelldichein der alten House-Hasen und Helden der Jugend (im Anschluss an die Teeny-Jahre). Produzenten, die auf damals grossen Labels wie Naked Music oder Dessous Recordings veröffentlichten. Da huscht einem ein Lächeln über das Gesicht, wenn man den Werdegang von Acryl Music von Anfang an mitverfolgt hat!
Angetrieben durch eine kickende Bassdrum und einer dicken anaologen Basslinie entwickelt sich ‘Need For Faith’ von Da Funk zu einem hypnotischen Tanzflur-Torpedo. Sphärische Flächen, verträumte Synth’s und Chords und leicht düstere Effekt-Spielereien runden das Klanggebilde ab.
Remixe von alten Haudegen
Nun könnte man hier zu jedem Remix detailliert etwas schreiben. Das würde den Rahmen aber ein wenig sprengen. Deshalb nur kurz etwas zu den Remixern:
Simon Bradshaw (Toko Records, Paper Recordings, Naked Music) – wohl bekannter unter seinen Aliases Si Brad, Attaboy oder Weekender-, Pete Moss (Recline Records, Ovum Records, Dessous Recordings), Elmar Schubert (Freerange Records, Naked Music) und Q-Burns Abstract Message (Eighth Dimension Records, Astralwerks, NRK).
Weil es bei dieser Auswahl schwierig ist die Stücke zu beschreiben, lass ich es besser. Aber meinen Lieblings-Remix von ‘Need For Faith’ kann ich noch nennen und zum Hören einladen: derjenige von Elmar Schubert.
Acryl Music 050: ein Release für schweisstreibende Nächte im Club und für sonnendurchflutete Morgenstunden. HIER oder HIER zu kaufen!
(Anmerkung: der Autor ist mit dem Gründer von Acryl Music gut befreundet)
Da Funk-Need For Faith Review
24/12/11 13:34 Archived in:Reviews
Swiss producer and Acryl Music head honcho Da Funk, takes over for the label's golden release, "Need For Faith"!
Acryl Music has been industry since 2004, but it is only now that the label releases its 50th release-- a clear sign that it's always quality over quantity for Da Funk and the guys behind the label.
Together with the original, expect authentic deep house remixes from Si Brad (Simon Bradshaw), Pete Moss, Elmar Schubert, and Q-Burns Abstract Message.
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Acryl Music has been industry since 2004, but it is only now that the label releases its 50th release-- a clear sign that it's always quality over quantity for Da Funk and the guys behind the label.
Together with the original, expect authentic deep house remixes from Si Brad (Simon Bradshaw), Pete Moss, Elmar Schubert, and Q-Burns Abstract Message.
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Da Funk-Need For Faith out now!
09/12/11 08:57 Archived in:Releases

Happy Anniversary, Acryl Music!
After Acryl's launch back in 2004, label boss Da Funk is back for the 50th release and this time he brought none other than Si Brad, Pete Moss, Elmar Schubert and Q-Burns Abstract Message for the remixes.
Driven by a kickin' bassdrum and a fat anaolg bassline, 'Need For Faith' surely is a hypnotic dancefloor-torpedo. Spherical pads, dreamy synths, beautiful chords and some weird fx-gadgetery rounds up the tone.
Simon Bradshaw - probably better known by his aliases Si Brad, Attaboy or Weekender - marks a comeback into the limelight with his remix. His rendition of 'Need For Faith' is a classic deep house jam, complete with driving grooves, a discoid bassline, crystal-clear piano chords and chirping synth gimmicks.
Based in Pennsylvania, Pete Moss leads the focus on his remix to a housy tech groove, paired with romantic soundscapes and a wonderful subbass.
The remix of England based German producer Elmar Schubert is a dynamic stomper who shows a detroitesque house sound with a debonair groove and striking stabs.
Q-Burns Abstract Message, the Orlando based producer, rounds out the package with a deep and reduced version: organic, warm sounds take on an analog bass line and a light-footed groove to get you goin'!
Acryl Music 050: A release for sweaty club nights and sun flooding morning hours.

Happy Anniversary, Acryl Music!
Nach dem Start im Jahr 2004 steht mit 'Need For Faith' von Labelgründer Da Funk die 50. Veröffentlichung in den Startlöchern. Mit dabei im saftigen Release-Paket: Remixe von Si Brad, Pete Moss, Elmar Schubert und Q-Burns Abstract Message.
Angetrieben durch eine kickende Bassdrum und einer dicken anaologen Basslinie entwickelt sich 'Need For Faith' zu einem hypnotischen Tanzflur-Torpedo. Sphärische Flächen, verträumte Synth's und Chords und leicht düstere Effekt-Spielereien runden das Klanggebilde ab.
Simon Bradshaw - wohl bekannter unter seinen Aliases Si Brad, Attaboy oder Weekender - findet mit seinem Remix nach Jahren wieder zurück ins Rampenlicht. Seine Interpretation von 'Need For Faith' entspricht klassischem Deep House mit einem treibenden Groove, einer discoiden Bassline, viel Hall und Flächen, glasklaren Piano-Akkorden und zwitschernden Synthesizer-Spielereien.
Der in Pennsylvania ansässige Pete Moss setzt in seinem Remix den Fokus auf einen tech-housigen Groove, trockene Drums und eine über dem Track ruhende, meditative Hi-Hat die durch die romantischen Klanglandschaften führt.
Der Remix des in England lebenden, deutschen Produzenten Elmar Schubert ist ein dynamischer Stomper, der dem detroitschen House-Sound mit einem lässigen Groove und markanten Piano-Stabs seine Referenz erweist.
Q-Burns Abstract Message, der in Orlando beheimatete Produzent, rundet das Package mit einer deepen und flächigen Version ab: Organische, warme Sounds treffen auf eine analoge Basslinie und einen leichtfüssig vor sich hin galoppierenden Groove.
Acryl Music 050: ein Release für schweisstreibende Nächte im Club und für sonnendurchflutende Morgenstunden.
Release Date:
09.12.2011 (Worldwide)

DJ Feedbacks:
"very good mate, loving the melodic hook on this....shall play!"
Funk D'Void (Outpost, Soma, Urban Torque)
"brilliant work from Da Funk and a host of killers mixes "
Nick Warren (Global Underground)
"Totally wicked!"
Grant Nelson (Swing City, Defected)
"Really like Elmar's remix here , will play ..."
Soul Minority (iRecords, Kolour, Stratospherik)
"Nice collection of mixes. Pete Moss is the biz but it's good to see Si Brad again!"
Joshua Iz (Vizual, Lazy Days, Fresh Meat)
"Loving the original track, Elmar Shubert takes it to another level with the remix and Q-Burns delivers the goods again.
I'll be playing it out this weekend:)"
Howard Sessions (Kolour, Lost My Dog, 3 A.M.)
"Beautiful way to round up the 50th release, Congratulations!!!
I'll go for the deeper cuts, Elmar & Q-Burns... They will fit nicely into my bag. Thanks!!
Cheers for 50 more releases coming in the next years."
Alvaro Hylander (Deep Wit, iRecords, Acryl Music)
"Da Funk is the one. Fabulous track."
Onur Ozman (Acryl Music, Rebirth, Dutchie)
"I always enjoy Da Funk's productions, and this is no exception- really well produced and vibey stuff...
The remixes are all fantastic, with Q Burns & Elmar Schubert standing out for me. Full support!"
Will Sumsuch (Urban Torque, Seven Music, Etoka)
"Elmar Schubert remix is my favorite from this one.
Slightly different than others but still properly deep and funky!!! "
Kyka (Cabrio, Housetrap, Wavesurfing)
"Happy anniversary! Can't wait for the next 50 releases!"
Elmar Schubert (Freerange, Naked Music, Acryl Music)
"Elmar Schubert Remix is funky!"
Zoë Xenia (Suara, Connaiseur, Bass Culture)
"Solid, I like it"
Marques Wyatt (Tilted, Om Records)
"Pete & Elmar schubert remixes for me, really nice tunes!"
Kirby (Elevation, Kolour, Nordic Trax)
"lovin elmar schubert mix...
chilled but groovy and driving at the same time"
Inland Knights (Drop Music, 20:20 Vision, Panhandle)
"Great EP like Original & Elmar Schubert remix the most!"
Marvin Zeyss (In Deep Refords, FM Digital, Brown Eyed Boyz)
"nice EP, Elmar's remix for me!"
Budai & Vic (I Love Deep, Plastic City, Discoteca)
"original is hot!"
DJ Electric (Deepology, Aquamarine, Clubstar)
"elmar schubert is the best here, will try this one out for sure"
Paul Jones (The Disclosure Project, Acryl Music, 2600)
"love petes mix, cool vibes, will play for sure"
Dibby Dougherty (Bedrock, Omnis, Lowbit)
"Elmars remix for me :)"
Hisham Zahran (Mood Music, Acryl Music, Brown Eyed Boyz)
"so deep and so groovy, the perfect vibe for the clubs. luv it"
Ramon Castells (Space Ibiza, Vendetta)
"Great ep! love the original, Schubert and Moss remixes"
Ilias Katelanos (Love Zone, Seta, In Deep Records)
"Very nice release! My fav is Elmar Schubert remix. Definitely will try in my mixes!"
Igor Dorohov (Society 3.0 Recordings)
"Solid remix by Pete Moss. Nice groove and chords."
Shane Johnson (Fish Go Deep, iRecords, Om, Go Deep)
"quality! love all tracks! full support!
happy anniversary acryl!"
Marco Berto (Deep Love, Viva Music)
"great EP , Original mix and Elmar Schubert Remix are the best for me. beautiful one's."
Mastercris (Dutchie Music, ReadyMix, Acryl Music)
"Original for me, very HOT! and lovin' the drums on Elmars jam, very clever"
Craig Stewart (DCS Trax, Acryl Music)
"I'm feeling the Pete Moss and Q-Burns mixes"
Raymundo Rodriguez (Ministry Of Sound Radio, Cimelde)
"Lovely track, excellent remixes... Full support !"
Bruno From Ibiza (Café Del Mar, Ibiza Sonica)
"Nice Release, hard to make a choice.... "
Lou Lamar (Ibiza Global Radio)
"Nice Package again... "
Mr. Cenzo (MidiDropMusic, Acryl Music)
"good remix from si brad..."
Greg Fenton (M8 Mag)
"Awesome release!Original & Pete Moss rmx are the most for me!my support."
Alex V (Sophisticate, Justified Cause, Night Drive)
"Congratulations about your 50th release!
Nicely done, will support. Original jam is my favourite."
Dave Storm (Ceremony Records, Cabrio)
"Pete Moss & Elmart Schubert for me! Amazing anniversary package, congrats!"
Javier Varez (Alma Soul, iRecords, Etoka)
"A nice varied selection of remixes, yes please Daniel! :-)"
Russell Deeks (iDJ, This Is Why We Dance)
"Original is very drivin' feeling. Si Brad feels like old school style. Original is my fav."
Addex (Etoka, Love Zone, Plastic City)
"some nice tracks here, will play!"
Sezer Uysal (Afterglow, Brown Eyed Boyz, Loco)
"Great release!!! Elmar mix is awesssome!!!!!!"
Dima Promo (iRecords, Loco, Acryl Music)
"What can I say what can I say. This pack really leaves me speechless mate.
The Pete Moss, Elmar Schubert and Q-Burns versions are really doing it for me but because a good remix starts with a good sample pack my pick is the original theme. Happy anniversary Acryl Music and straight forward for the next 50 releases! "
Bios (Acryl Music, Loud Society)
"i'll use it for warming up! great house track! thanks ;)"
Paronator (Seamless, Brown Eyed Boyz, Anjunadeep)
"Elmar Schubert is my fav... quality deep house..."
Jesus Pablo (Lost My Dog, Celestial, Tea Drops Music)
"Cool Stuff Guys..I Can Support This"
DJ Pippi (Drumpoet, Modern Electrics, Urbana)
"An Anthem In The Making!"
Delmar Browne (AOL Radio)
"Pete Moss mix is cool...will support! :)"
Richard Earnshaw (Guess, Duff Note, Spiritchaser)
"I like Original and Elmar Schubert remix"
Olga Flapper (Proton Radio, Pure FM)
"great great package !! can't decide which is the best version.. they are all good"
C&M Productions (Truehouse, Forensic, Dutchie)
"Elmar Schubert remix will be support by me for sure..Thanks!"
Submantra (Loco Records, iRecords, DCS Trax)
"Really huge this EP! Can't pick an favourite here, all the tracks are strong.
Thanks a lot, will be played and supported on Tunnel FM ;)"
Catastrophic (Tunnel FM, Sweden)
"Great release! Q-Burns remix is my fav, but will play also Si & Pete's versions."
Vincent Inc. (Manuscript, Toto)
"Track 4 gefällt mir am besten, gut einsetzbar im warm up Set!
Track 5 ist auch sehr interessant für den Loungebereich!"
René Goldman (Ibiza Soulon)
"Nice deep ones Elmar is the winner for me here! Will defo play!
Fog (Brise, Apparel Music)
"fantastic ep! I like the original and all mixes"
Helly Larson (Acryl Music, Soul Industries, Plastic City)
"Good release, hard to choose a favourite
Congratulations on the 50th release, keep'em coming"
Aslak (Cromarti,Nightbird, Oh!)
"pretty cool stuff here.original and elmar's remix for me."
Evren Ulusoy (Nulogic, Plastic City, iRecords)
"Delectable slice of deep house coming with a selection of tasty remixes"
Mike Fossati (Spirit Of House)
"Fantastic Elmar Schubert's mix .. lovely deep & sexy track."
Andres Bela (Raw Cutz Records)
"Nice set of mixes here, thanks mate!"
Bamo (Spiritchaser, Duff Note, Guess)
"nice set of mixes. well done"
Henri Kohn (Clubstar, Conya)
"Si Brad and Q-Burns mixes for us here. Both are nice!"
Feodor AllRight & Elena Mechta (AMDJS Radio Show)
"solid production, great melody and production,
I like Pete Moss and Elmar Schubert mixes"
Bogdan Taran (Tohuwabohu, Amber Muse, Capital FM)
"Great release! Original and remixes are awesome!! full support!"
John P (Westradio, Greece)
"Such a great package! Hard to choose which one is better, but i`ll pick Original and Elmar Schubert Remix"
Felipe Callado (Exzellenz Music)
"Original for me , in the box , thanks"
Lonya (Acryl Music, Asymetric, Elevation)
"Full Support! Love it"
Mirko Paoloni (Radio Party Groove, Italy)
"congratulations !!! always will support one of my fav labels!!!"
Amir Groove (Ibiza Sonica)
"Yeah!!! Allways Yeah from Acryl Music. Full suport to this release..."
Ernesto Altés (Sendo Fuera, Ibiza Sonica, Just House)
"Pete Moss and Elmar are my fav.
I will try other tracks too."
Miguel Garji (Ibiza Global Radio, Seamless)
"Nice pack, nice remixes! all good, my fav is Pete Moss Remix!"
Fer Ferrari (Deep Class Records)
"Elmar remix is my fav."
Microphunk (Deeper Shades Of House, Pesto, Soluble)
"strong talent on the remixes!"
DJ Inc. (Proton Radio, Tempo.atl)
"Corker! Si Brad - crazy shit! Pete Moss - epic - and so it goes on and on!"
Richie Hartness (Untitled Music)
"Full support"
Migs Libre (
"Always great music!!!! I love this sooooo much! Original and Pete Moss Remix are wonderful!
Elmar Schubert and Q-Burns Remix is really cute too.Full support from me"
Bobi (Club FM)
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